Bible Translation and Scripture Engagement
Some of the people groups among whom we work have languages that have no alphabet or written materials, and hence are without the Scripture in their own mother tongue Read more
Sharing the message of Christ and Forming Worship Groups:
We focus mostly on the people groups among whom the Good News of Jesus Christ is not shared. We engage in discipleship within the Worship Groups, and enable local leadership through teaching and training.
Bible Translation and Scripture Engagement:
Some of the people groups among whom we work have languages that have no alphabet or written materials, and hence are without the Scripture in their own mother tongue. Bible translation facilitates the people to firmly stand in their faith and share the Good News of Jesus Christ; and also helps the unwritten mother tongue to be standardised and put into use by the concerned people groups. In fact, translation helps in developing the local culture and enriching their language. We encourage the people to read the Scriptures and practise those truths in their daily life.
The need for literacy is so much among the people groups who reside in remote areas. To develop their proficiency in their own language, we produce literacy materials and teach people within the community, so that their unwritten language will develop into a written and literary language in future – thereby people will be able to read, write and produce their own literature.
Hostels and Day Care Centres:
In the places where children do not have an opportunity to attend regular schools, they are given an opportunity in the neighbouring towns, through small hostel facilities, with the full cooperation and support of the parents.
Day Care Centres function during the day time, for children who need tuition and coaching in certain subjects, in addition to their classes in schools. The Hostels and Day Care Centres help in seeing many grown up children take up good jobs after their studies, and become very useful members in their families and communities.
Medical Ministries:
The healing ministry is always an integral part of Christian missions, and healing of the body and mind needs to be attended to, along with that of the spirit, to lead a person to holistic health and development. The need for medical care in remote areas, where even a Primary Health Centre is miles or kilometres far away, has always given a cue for IEM to start a Medical Clinic, or make available a few nurses who can take care of basic health needs of a community. Many of our Mission Workers are given specialised medical training, through which they can use their skills to give health awareness to a community, and also attend to the basic medical needs of people, and direct them to the nearest hospital for better medical care. We also conduct medical camps with the help of Mission Hospitals who partner with us. We also train local men and women in health and hygiene, so that they serve their own community as Health Workers. This is a great relief to communities who are not exposed to basic health care in their daily lives.
Discipleship and Leadership Training:
We encourage the believers to be good disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, by teaching them God’s Word and through our personal lifestyle. According to the needs of the believers, Bible truths are taught systematically. Through this they become useful members in their community, and good law-abiding citizens of our country.
Community Development:
We in IEM, are working in the spirit and compassion of Christ, dedicated to the building of healthy, harmonious and holistic communities, thus contributing to the development of villages and local habitations to impact the nation at large.
We involve in environmental needs for preserving a green environment, and encourage the concerned communities towards the planting of trees and upkeep of the land in which they live. The various activities we engage in are – Community Health and Hygiene; Skill up-gradation for livelihood; Value added Education; Water Harvesting and Water Conservation; Animal Husbandry; conducting Cattle Camps; Faith Garden and raising Kitchen Gardens, for survival in the midst of adversity; Distribution of seeds and fertilizers for better agricultural practices; and help villagers to improve their coping mechanism to sustain the vulnerable, and be prepared for emergencies. We also provide borewell in the areas where people do not have clean drinking water facility. We want to see individuals and communities as agents of change and prosperity in our nation.
Outreach Training Institute:
The Outreach Training Institute (OTI), trains new Mission Workers in Biblical knowledge, skills and character, to serve effectively within various cultures who speak different languages, in the areas where they work.
Disaster Relief and Management:
In the event of pandemics, floods, cyclones, and fire, we along with our partnering organisations carry out very needy relief operations for the communities affected, to survive in life endangering situations. This helps in mitigating a disaster, and provide means of coping and overcoming the crisis.
Church Relations
God’s work is always a team effort. In the mission enterprise, it’s a goer and sender team. The Indian churches and believers stand with us as a strong support in prayer and in supplying the needs of the Mission Workers.